487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Nachiem Crew - 836th Squadron
Back row L to R: Donald E. Frembes (ball turret gunner), Sanroe J. Kaisler Jr. (tail gunner), Bertram I. Ostrove (radio operator), Kenneth D. Redford (waist gunner), William G. Finicum (flight engineer)
Front row L to R: 1st Lt Clayton J. Coenen (bombardier), 1st Lt Charles L. Nachiem (pilot), 2nd Lt George W. Glaittli (copilot), 1st Lt Jack J. Jacobs (navigator)
Photo taken outside the mess hall at Hunter Army Air Field in Savannah, Georgia, shortly before the Nachiem crew flew across the Atlantic to England
(photo provided by Christine Hutchins, daughter of Charles Nachiem, further identification by Kathleen Frembes Lamoree, daughter of Donald Frembes)

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