487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

T/Sgt Marino, T/Sgt Sunberg, S/Sgt Hopkin
Left to right: Leonard A. Marino (engineer), John L. Sunberg (radio operator), and Rees W. Hopkin (ball turret gunner) during training in the United States. These men were members of the crew of Lt Jack Leon, 837th Bomb Squadron, 487th Bomb Group, at Lavenham, Suffolk, England.
T/Sgt John L. Sunberg and T/Sgt Leonard A. Marino were killed in action on March 18, 1945, after they bailed out of B-17G 44-8276 near Massin, Germany (Mosina, Poland) and were strafed by Russian fighters. Their remains were not recovered after the war, and they are still listed as missing in action. They are memorialized on the Wall of the Missing at Netherlands American Cemetery at Margraten.
S/Sgt Hopkin bailed out but survived
(Photo from page 267 of The History of the 487th Bomb Group (H) by Ivo de Jong. Used with permission)

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