487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Deuschle Crew - 838th Squadron
Back row (L to R): S/Sgt Kendall (flight engineer), 2nd Lt Charlton A. Deuschle (pilot), 2nd Lt Allan B. Underwood (navigator), 2nd Lt Jesse E. Gregory (bombardier), S/Sgt William J. Cochran (radio operator)
Front row (L to R): Sgt John L. Haglund (waist gunner), Sgt Grady E. Deelaney (ball-turret gunner), Sgt Harry M. Hinkson (top turret gunner), Sgt Caldwell (tail gunner)
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Most of the crew was lost on a mission to Magdeburg, Germany on 5-Aug-1944. The plane suffered a direct flak hit in bomb bay just before bombing. Pilot Deuschle and replacement gunner Sgt Robert Crooker survived and became POW. Those KIA in the attack were 2nd Lt Eugene Steffens (co-pilot), Underwood, Gregory, T/Sgt Carl Late (replacement engineer), Cochran, Hinkson, Deelaney and Haglund.
(Photo provided by Bill Underwood, nephew of Allan Underwood.)

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