487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Crockett Crew - 836th Squadron
Back row L to R: Cpl Jerry Redlin (waist-gunner), Sgt John S. O'Toole (flight engineer), Cpl Ralph C. Graham (radio operator), Cpl Edward C. Stamper (tail-gunner), Cpl Rodney R. Ludtke (ball turret-gunner)
Front row L to R: F/O Tommy M. Slaughter (bombardier), 2nd Lt Paul E. Crockett (pilot), 2nd Lt Maynard H. Smith (copilot), 2nd Lt Robert E. Mills (navigator)
Photo in Lincoln, NE
It is likely those listed as Cpl (Corporal) were later elevated to Sgt
(photo courtesy of Amy Smith, Doug Smith, and Ann Larson, children of Maynard Smith)

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