487th Bomb Group (H)
Station 137 - Lavenham, Suffolk, UK
22-Sep-43 to 7-Nov-45

Ballard Crew - 836th Squadron
L to R: S/Sgt Nicholas F. Young (tail gunner), T/Sgt John W. Robinson (radio operator), T/Sgt Billy Curington (top turret gunner), Lt Raymond Henze (co-pilot), Lt Christy J. Mauries (bombardier), Lt Charles E. Taylor (navigator), Lt William J. Ballard (pilot), S/Sgt Warren C. Woodbury (waist gunner), S/Sgt Wartman (ball turret gunner), S/Sgt John N. Bailey (nose gunner)
Photo was taken during training in Pueblo Colorado. Lt Mauries did not go to the 487th with this crew. S/Sgt Wartman was replaced by S/Sgt Stanley Alden
The crew flew 26 missions from 14-Feb-45 to 14-Apr-45
(Photo provided to Jerry Ogle by Billy Curington)

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